A garment transformation + new, exclusive Liberty

It doesn’t happen often, but Monday I was all set and ready to post a dress I had made, but I realized the dress just wasn’t me. And I could have posted it and I’m sure a lot of you would have liked it, but the truth is, in its Monday form, it just wouldn’t have been worn.Betsy Metallic Grey dress Liberty of London

DuckaDilly reached out a couple months ago and asked me to make a project with one of their new exclusive Betsy prints, and I had the perfect idea. I was going to alter my favorite Perfect shirt pattern so I could make a top with a ruffled yoke. I did that, but decided I would like the overall look better in a dress, so I hacked off the shirt from the waist down, and added a skirt. I hadn’t yet attached the sleeves, and I thought maybe I would like it best as a sleeveless dress. After all, the ruffled yoke had quite enough personality of its own. So I was all set and ready to post, but I just couldn’t escape the feeling that I looked exactly like my 1996 self with ruffled yokes and puffed sleeves and bells sewn into my lace hems. I asked my husband what he thought because he’s pretty honest about these things, and he said I looked like a grandma. I guess his mind went to the Victorian era- he didn’t know me as a six year old. ha!Betsy metallic grey dress liberty of London

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So I spent Tuesday night and Wednesday morning taking it all apart and reworking it into a garment I will wear often. The fabric is just gorgeous and it deserved a good pattern.

First, I removed the ruffle and yoke and reattached the yoke to the bodice by itself. I also attached 3/4 length sleeves.Betsy Metallic Grey dress Liberty of London

I couldn’t let the ruffle go to waste, so I regathered it and attached it to the bottom of the skirt. I had to cut a few inches from the hem, but it was well worth it for a more interesting look, I think.Betsy Metallic Grey dress Liberty of London

I’ve been endeavoring to think of any failures as opportunities, and I’m excited that I never had a negative feeling about this. I like to look at garment sewing honestly. Not every silhouette looks good on every shape or person- that’s not a bad thing. My shirt was gorgeous, but I think better suited to a person that’s a bit leaner on bottom. I knew I needed a clearly defined waist so I turned it into a dress. But my ruffle was very dramatic and full, and it went off my shoulders a bit, and on my body, I resembled a linebacker or a woman from ages past who was all about the shoulder pads or sleeve puff. It just wasn’t what I had envisioned, so I kept at it until I found a look I loved.Betsy Metallic Grey dress Liberty of London

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I had picked up the tassel fringe several months ago, and I’m so happy that it paired so well with the style of this dress. Isn’t it just the prettiest extra touch?

Betsy Metallic Grey dress Liberty of LondonLet’s chat about the fabric a bit, as it is the star of this post! This grey color way of the iconic Liberty print, Betsy, is part of a mini collection of metallics, exclusively made for DuckaDilly. Each of the six color ways has either silver or gold metallic accents printed on the lawn, which is the first time I’ve ever seen Liberty lawn take on metallic. Its really gorgeous.Betsy Metallic Grey

This grey color is anything but plain. Not only does it have the silver bits throughout, it also has accents of grey with more purple/pink undertones and some with more of a blue undertone. I love the level of detail the print has without it being overly bold or loud. Its really quite striking! You can click here to check out the whole collection of Betsy metallics!

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I also purchased a fat quarter pack of the full six piece collection, along with some yardage of the aqua color, and I’m so excited to play with those. I’ll be sure to post when I do!Betsy metallic grey dress liberty of London

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Thanks for popping in! I’m finishing up a totally new project this week that I’m hoping to share with you next week!


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