As I thought about what today’s post would be about, all I could think about telling you were the things that were distracting me today. You know, all the things I was doing instead of what I should have been doing? Well then, out of nowhere, I had this burst of motivation to finish cutting out the half square triangles for a quilt I’m working on. And you know what? I did just that. I sat down at the table and was a machine until the cutting was done. Now I just need to cut out some gray and black HSTs and then I can get down to sewing- my favorite part.

Here’s a little teaser for you:

Tomorrow is my parents’ 25th anniversary (an incredible feat), and we are all going to Busch Gardens. (That’s not their present- You’ll hear more about that part later). So, I will probably be absent from blogworld tomorrow, but I’ll be back on Wednesday for a new blog segment and something new for my readers! I’m very excited, but its a surprise, so you will just have to wait.

Anyway, I’ve gotta get back to my cleaning and dinner preparations. My man gets home early tonight, so I need to be ready for him! I love nights like this!

xo, Mere

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted