What a weekend it has been! Munchkin turned one on Saturday and we had a party for her. I had so much fun- but it wasn’t all fun and games. No, that would be much too easy. It all began Friday- I woke up early-ish and Emilee went with Layla and I to Target to get a cupcake holder (that’s notable, by the way), party favors, and whatever else I felt that I needed. We get back from Target and what do you know? My mom mentions a couple of kids that I forgot, and yes, that darn cupcake holder. So I went home, Layla took a nap, and I made a list of everything I needed, including something to hold the cupcakes. After that, I was off to Walmart, back to my mom’s and then back to Target, and yes, back to my mom’s. It is really a shame how much gas costs, especially when you have to do all that running around. But anyway, once I was done with the shopping portion of my day, it was time to cut out the cake tattoos for the cupcakes (my food decorating skills are nil). I don’t know if you have ever done this, but it is tedious work, let me tell you. It is worth it though, because those cupcakes looked so stinking cute! At this point I need to say “thank you” to my mom for baking the cupcakes and icing them. And by the way, I never bought anything to hold the cupcakes. Sometimes, even when something is on your list, it just never quite makes it into the cart.
I survived Friday and Saturday came. All I had to do was finish the Happy 1st Birthday banner, mix the fruit, cut up the veggies, make the sandwiches, and get the balloons blown up. Justin was kind enough to take care of the balloons and sandwiches, and I just tried to take care of the other things and make myself and Layla look presentable. 1:30 came and it was time to head over to the park. And what do you think happened then? Yes, someone else was there. Not a couple of people, but a ton of people. And I would just like to mention that I called to reserve the park, but the woman from the county assured me this was unneccessary as this particular park had never before been reserved. So it was sure to be vacant, right? WRONG!
I called up Justin freaking out, wondering what on earth we were supposed to do. We decided to head back to the house and we began rushing to unload all the stuff for the party. As we were finishing up, I was told my house smelled and we should take the party to my parent’s house because there house is bigger and better suited for entertaining people. After locking myself in the bathroom and crying at the disaster the day was becoming, I saw that this was actually a decent idea and thus we packed up the party once more and took it to my mom and dad’s house.
Believe it or not, the party was wonderful. Layla managed to make it through the entire party without having a meltdown (unlike me) despite the fact she hadn’t had a nap all day. She very much enjoyed her cupcake, though she thought it was odd everyone stared at her the whole time.
All that said, I feel much better. Here’s a picture of my one year old. If you are wondering about the snotty nose, she’s gotten in four molars in the past week….
Sunday was Emilee’s birthday, and this is the super top secret project I’ve been working on. (This was her present.)
This quilt pattern will be available to you in the shop
in the near future. It is twin size, but would make a perfect picnic blanket as well.
And last but not least, this is what I’ve been working on today. We’re currently living in a rental, and I’ve only just now added a little “me” to the place. I’ve been sick as a dog the past couple of days, and somehow, these made me feel much better.
These were made with fabric from AMH’s Good Folks. I love the red!
Hope you are enjoying your Monday!
xo Meredith
WOW that was quite a weekend! I can’t believe Layla has gotten molars in!! Bella still only has her two front bottom teeth, but will be getting her top ones very soon, so her runny nose and fever tells us. Glad the party turned out, and Happy Birthday to the little one!