You know the feeling. I’m bored, I want to sew something. But what? Oh yeah, I have that cabinet of unfinished business… time to do something about it.
Today is that day for me. I am determined to get something accomplished that should have been done weeks (months) ago. And I so worked on the Chocolate Lollipop
quilt (Anna Maria fabric), and now all I need is some backing, and this baby will be up in the shop! I’m so happy with the zig-zags.
Stay tuned for the finished quilt. I promise to not let you wait so long this time. I’m tackling these loose ends! I’m getting it done. I’m happy to say only 1 started-yet-unfinished project remains, besides this quilt. Also, I’ll be working on a few more baby quilts in the coming week so check back for those. I’ll be using one of my favorite patterns by yours truly.
Have a great weekend!