Wednesday Wrap Up: Anthropologie Edition

These are a few of my favorite things… (I can’t help but sing along to that as I type that).

Anthropologie is a favorite store of mine. Emilee and I went last week and spent forever in there, and still hated having to leave.  I can afford very little from there, but a girl can dream and be inspired for pretty cheap. I bought this handmade wool rug last week and I love it. I’m going back on Friday, and I’ll probably get some kitchen stuff which is so cute!

Find the Wingbeat Rug here.

Find the Housecat Shades here.

Find the Zesty Measuring Spoons here.

I could go on forever, and the chances are that I will do just that once I get back on Friday, so I’ll save it.

Tomorrow I plan on launching some new products in the shop

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, so get ready for that. I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday!

Happy Shopping!


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Olivia Jane Handcrafted