The Multi-Tasker Tote

My mom and dad bought me Anna Maria’s Multi-Tasker pattern and some fabric for my birthday. I cut out the pattern pieces and put it all together on Saturday. I’ve been eyeing this bag forever. I think the first time I saw this bag was here, and I just fell in love with it. Its so full of personality!

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I know I’m always talking about Anna Maria, but truly, after making this bag I think she is pure genius. Or mad. Or just far more artistically intelligent than me. I should have known just to forge through and trust the plan, but I was stuck on the first step for a little while trying to figure out how it was all going to come together. I read the pattern beforehand, but I’m the type that needs the fabric in hand while going through the instructions. Once I wised up and stopped thinking, everything went very smoothly. The pattern was not assembled as I pictured it would be, but it was done just right.

I will for sure be making this bag again! I love love love it! There are just three tiny things I would change about this bag to make it better suit me. One, I would line the interior pocket. Two, I would probably add a magnetic snap. Its not needed, but I would just like one. And three, I would shorten the straps by a few inches just to make the bag fit me a little better. I’m fairly short at 5’4″, and this bag is larger than I pictured it would be, so shortening the straps by a good 4″ would be ideal for my small frame.

There is not one thing wrong with this pattern and I have nothing to critique. My changes are simply personal preferences. The only thing I would suggest to you is that you go ahead and purchase enough fabric to make a few bags because I’m already itching to make a few more. Ideally, I think eight would be a great number… maybe not that many, but this bag rocks! I think I’ll make my next one up in some uber soft velveteen and voile. That would be quite a luxurious bag, to be sure!

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I used this print and this print from Amy Butler’s Lark line to make the Multi-Tasker Tote.

Making something just for me was so much fun. I don’t do it enough. Its so easy to see everything else I can be doing and put anything that I want on the very bottom of the list. While I don’t think that’s a bad thing, it really does feel good to have something for me that I don’t have to share that was made by me. I’m looking forward to doing it again soon now that I’ve found this pattern!


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