The French Knot

A few days ago, Emilee printed me up an enlarged version of my logo, which I quickly outlined onto muslin and embroidered around the head. I wanted to fill it in, but doing that with a straight stitch wouldn’t look great. Satin stitching wasn’t what I was looking for either. I was hesitant about a french knot, first, because I’d never stitched one before, and second, because I wasn’t sure I wanted the head to be raised from the background to that degree. But I visited my trusted embroidery site, and thanks to Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching, I nailed the french knot on my first try. I was feeling very motivated by my succes and just went to town filling in my Olivia Jane head. I love the result!

How do you think it turned out?

Boston Terrier profiles make such a bold statement to begin with and I think the use of the french knot really dramatized the look. I’m obsessed with this, and am now working with this piece to use it in a bigger project which I hope to share with you next week.

This one is mine. I love it, and being my first one, I know I couldn’t part with it. Perhaps one like this will pop up in the shop if you have some interest in it!

Until next time,

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted