Tell me you have days like this, too.

Looks like I’ve finished just about all the projects I can for the moment. Some are waiting on pictures. For others, I am waiting to receive the fabric to get started. My one and only goal today was to get some Perle 5’s to match this palette.

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Of course, I delayed (and it didn’t help that it took Layla forever to get to sleep for her nap), and 5 o’clock rolled around and the shop I needed to vistit was already closed. So I suppose that mission will roll over into tomorrow’s to-do’s.

I’m actually in a pretty good crafting mode right now, really enjoying the get-ready-for-the-holidays rush. If I only have a few things to do (like today), I might not get through my list, but give me a big to-do list and I’ll complete every task. I guess I do alot better under pressure, knowing that I might as well not bother unless I’m going to do even better than my best. Its exciting to plan out projects thinking that they will get unwrapped and light up someone’s face. Its thrilling to craft with another’s joy in mind.

I just needed to talk for a bit tonight. I’m sorry I didn’t have anything exciting to say. Since I didn’t do what I needed to do today, I felt I really needed to post something

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. Do most people still operate under the belief that something is better than nothing?

More tomorrow! Promise!


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