A few months ago I made some garments for Free Spirit’s booth at Quilt Market, and I chose to be paid in fabric. Wanting to put it to use right away rather than have it languish on my shelf, I immediately cut a host of strips from Loominous, True Colors, Mod Corsage, and Fibs and...
What a beautiful quilt! I have no doubt that this family’s spirits will be lifted. Sometimes being shown kindness is the greatest blessing of all, and it helps us to remember that there is good in the world despite our circumstances.
In the past I have made knit/crocheted hats for NICU babies, as this is an issue close to my heart. You can usually just drop them off at the hospital. I also know that there is a program called Project Linus that looks for donated quilts and blankets to give to ill children who are in the hospital to lift their spirits.
What a beautiful quilt! I love your generous spirit, Meredith. I donate quilts to a hospice care organization. I am sure you can find a group that will speak to your heart.
We have a crisis pregnancy centre here. Hard to believe how many women access it each month. It’s nice to be able to offer them practical help as well as counselling etc. Baby quilts are appreciated
Such a thoughtful gift and a beautiful quilt! Your posts always inspire, thank you for introducing me to Aurifil and now this great wide fabric… Good Luck matching to just the right charity.