Chatting all about the Deer & Doe Azara skirt in a long hoarded, large scale Liberty print.
This week in our Sewing with Kids series, we are planning out a large project- a new twin size quilt. See how we are tackling the planning and cutting in this post.
I’ve been staying quite busy with custom work the past couple of months. Today I sent off an order, and while I was packing it up, Layla was downstairs in our studio/school room choosing fabrics. She brought me her bundle and asked to make a quilt for her stuffed cat to lay on when she...
I have a new computer! This is my first non-mobile blog post since September, and man, does it feel good. I’ve only been able to use a physical computer at the library and my kids were so crazy I only attempted it once. So here I am, typing on my very own computer. yay! This...
Your new dress is gorgeous! I’ve really taken a step back from fabric buying and even sewing the last 8 months. The sewing part makes me sad, but the fabric part has been so freeing! I feel weighed down by the fabrics that just sit on my shelf, because they either feel wasted, or they feel like a burden – a reminder of what I’m not accomplishing. I’m so excited to see you posting more!
Also, I think a big part of not sewing has to do with my post 2nd baby body. So, I totally get that! My belly is just not going anywhere, and it’s hard to want to make clothes for myself!ReplyCancel
Thank you, Kaitlin. I’m glad you get where I’m coming from! Sometimes I feel crazy not getting more (or even wanting to) when it seems like all I see is stack upon stack of new fabric. And on that other note, it’s totally hard to make or even buy for a body that doesn’t feel like yours. I feel like such a stranger in my body and I have been having a huge mental struggle about it. I’m using my self loathing and channeling it so I have workout motivation. I’ve been doing Pilates to rebuild my core strength and I’ll go from there. One day at a time. It’s hard to do with kids, because when I do get a break all I want to do it sit and enjoy the silence. ReplyCancel
I am in complete agreement re quality fabric! I refuse to sew with anything that’s not the best – my time is too valuable and the work that goes into each garment just deserves a level of respect that only the finest fabrics will garner :) Love your Liberty dress on you! I’m top heavy and there isn’t much of a difference between my waist and hips (I’m 63 :) ) so this style would definitely not suit me! I’m making up a couple of Ogden camis – getting ready for the hot summer! There is nothing cooler than light woven camis and shorts for around the house anyway ;) I’ll make up some sleeveless wovens next for wearing outside the house next. I’m working with a tie silk now for this cami and I have a big border panel in a light flowered cotton for possibly a couple more then I’m done with camis!ReplyCancel
We are kindred spirits! I don’t go out of my way to tell people the cost of fabric unless they want me to make them something. And then they gasp and I explain that I’m not making Target clothes. I’m making quality clothes they would be hard pressed to find elsewhere for a lower price. Not worth my time if the quality isn’t great.
And oh, Ogden! I love that pattern. Your latest version sounds incredible. I bet it will feel wonderful! ReplyCancel
I seen your dress pic on IG and had to come over and ck it out! So pretty! I am interested in making some new garments – tops, skirts, dresses for summer and work. It has been a long time since I made garmets and I am a bit older …ahem and plus size. Adjusting and fitting them so they look great/professional concern me. And sewing with knits and beautiful fabric like Liberty would be on my wish list.ReplyCancel
Thank you, Ginny! If you are looking for plus size friendly patterns, I have heard that Cashmerette is wonderful. And do you know about Seamwork? Its a monthly online magazine I subscribe to that is put out by Colette. For only $7 a month you get two free patterns with every issue and each one comes with a misses fit and a plus size fit, which are pretty well tailored for each body type. Not all the patterns are winners, but for $7, I think its a worthwhile gamble. I’ll include a link to that. I think if I share it it’ll get you half off your first month, and then you can test it to see if its something that would be helpful to you. Click here!ReplyCancel
Hi Meredith! I love seeing what you sew, you do such beautiful work and it is always an inspiration for me.
I am sewing up a few skirts for myself – I am optimistic that warm weather will eventually find its way here to the Midwest – and shorts for my kids. In between those things I’m trying to finish a time-consuming quilt for a friend in time for her birthday, but there are only so many hours in a day! I am also struggling with the buy new or use my stash battle. As for my figure… I feel like I added a few pounds around my middle a few years ago and they don’t want to budge. I’m trying to accept what I am, though, and sewing clothes that fit properly really does help. My latest make has been the Bryce Cargos from Hey June, they are fantastic! ReplyCancel
Thank you for your kinds words, Emily! Spring is coming! I’m trusting that the weather will eventually decide to be consistent rather than this hot one day, cold the next thing that’s been going on. I also like to sew garments in between big quilting projects! I will either take a weekend break to sew up an outfit or two or use it as my pot of gold at the end of my quilting project. I find that motivates me to get through one thing and onto the next.
As for figure, I hear you! Its so hard to want to dress a body that’s not what we picture for ourselves. You are preaching to the choir. And though I’m trying to be more consistently active, I am also finding that I need to dress for the body I have. I’ll have to look up the Bryce Cargos. :)ReplyCancel
Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way.
copyright 2021 Olivia Jane Handcrafted, LLC|ProPhoto Photo Blog
Midi length is my favorite and I think this looks lovely on you! You styled of perfectly and I think it will look equally great with a tee and sandals in the Summer. That fabric is so pretty and this pattern is a great match for it.
Good idea on the sandals! I haven’t been thinking a thing about warmer temps lately but that would be much more “me”.
Such a beautiful skirt and pictures! Thank you for sharing the hard stuff too. I’m proud of you for making the healthy changes!
Emily, thank you so much for your sweet comment. You are a great encourager. I’m hoping this will be my year to make some good changes and feel better!
It’s wonderful that you are doing this at 28. I am 58 and am dealing with some of the same issues. I’m reading Rick Hanson’s book, Resilient. He says, “Suppose you had a friend with a body like yours, as well as the talents, skills, good heart, and other virtues that you have. Also, suppose this friend is preoccupied, self-conscious or self-critical about his or her body in whatever ways you are about yourself. Imagine some of the reasonable, compassionate and encouraging things you might say to this friend. Try saying them to yourself inside your mind or even out loud.” We are so hard on ourselves and we need to give ourselves the same kind of compassion and encouragement we would give a friend!You actually look great in these photos. The skirt suits your vibrant personality and your legs look thin in it, so there you go! I’m in Canada and the fact that you can sit outside without 10 layers of wool is miraculous. Our weather report says for tonight – “frostbite in minutes”. Yikes!Keep up the good work, sewing and soulwork!
Barb, I tried to reply to you last week and my comments seem to be on the fritz. I just wanted to say I just love what you said. You are absolutely right about being more critical of ourselves in an unfiltered way in which we would never view others. Also, girl! How are you even surviving weather like that? I lived in Florida for 16 years prior to moving here a couple years back and I cannot even begin to imagine such temperatures. Truly, what do you even do? Do they close whole towns for a week or until that passes?
Haha Canadians are hardy! In the coldest weather you see people out without a hat or mitts. I think they are crazy! I’m a big fan of layering, wool/knitting and hot tea. I also sewed myself a wool coat. I love skirts, but waiting for the bus in the winter with only tights on? No thanks! It’s pants and long coats for me. We’ve gone from -27 C to 2C and now have freezing rain and STILL the busses are running. This might have something to do with why Canadian literature is so bleak. One of our writers, Gilles Vigneault, famously said, “Mon pays ce n’est pas un pays, c’est l’hiver (My country is not a country, it is winter). And in February, that’s how we feel! I’m getting away to sunnier climes for a week where I will swap out my woollies for some summer skirts.