Chatting all about the Deer & Doe Azara skirt in a long hoarded, large scale Liberty print.
Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way.
Midi length is my favorite and I think this looks lovely on you! You styled of perfectly and I think it will look equally great with a tee and sandals in the Summer. That fabric is so pretty and this pattern is a great match for it.
Good idea on the sandals! I haven’t been thinking a thing about warmer temps lately but that would be much more “me”.
Such a beautiful skirt and pictures! Thank you for sharing the hard stuff too. I’m proud of you for making the healthy changes!
Emily, thank you so much for your sweet comment. You are a great encourager. I’m hoping this will be my year to make some good changes and feel better!
It’s wonderful that you are doing this at 28. I am 58 and am dealing with some of the same issues. I’m reading Rick Hanson’s book, Resilient. He says, “Suppose you had a friend with a body like yours, as well as the talents, skills, good heart, and other virtues that you have. Also, suppose this friend is preoccupied, self-conscious or self-critical about his or her body in whatever ways you are about yourself. Imagine some of the reasonable, compassionate and encouraging things you might say to this friend. Try saying them to yourself inside your mind or even out loud.” We are so hard on ourselves and we need to give ourselves the same kind of compassion and encouragement we would give a friend!You actually look great in these photos. The skirt suits your vibrant personality and your legs look thin in it, so there you go! I’m in Canada and the fact that you can sit outside without 10 layers of wool is miraculous. Our weather report says for tonight – “frostbite in minutes”. Yikes!Keep up the good work, sewing and soulwork!
Barb, I tried to reply to you last week and my comments seem to be on the fritz. I just wanted to say I just love what you said. You are absolutely right about being more critical of ourselves in an unfiltered way in which we would never view others. Also, girl! How are you even surviving weather like that? I lived in Florida for 16 years prior to moving here a couple years back and I cannot even begin to imagine such temperatures. Truly, what do you even do? Do they close whole towns for a week or until that passes?
Haha Canadians are hardy! In the coldest weather you see people out without a hat or mitts. I think they are crazy! I’m a big fan of layering, wool/knitting and hot tea. I also sewed myself a wool coat. I love skirts, but waiting for the bus in the winter with only tights on? No thanks! It’s pants and long coats for me. We’ve gone from -27 C to 2C and now have freezing rain and STILL the busses are running. This might have something to do with why Canadian literature is so bleak. One of our writers, Gilles Vigneault, famously said, “Mon pays ce n’est pas un pays, c’est l’hiver (My country is not a country, it is winter). And in February, that’s how we feel! I’m getting away to sunnier climes for a week where I will swap out my woollies for some summer skirts.