Hey everybody!
I hope you are enjoying your Autumn weather. It’s been pretty dreary around SW Florida the past couple of days with heavy grey clouds and all day rain. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, because we’re supposed to be having highs in the mid 70s and lows in the mid 50s come Thursday through Saturday. Oh what a relief those days will be. I will be sipping on hot chocolate while making goodies for the shop for the majority of those wonderful days.
I so envy those of you who have real leaf-changing autumns, complete with gusty wind and cooler weather. I’ve been in serious denial. I had 3 cups of hot chocolate Friday, and little else as I was trying to pretend it was cold outside. I even bought Layla this cute yet ridiculous wool coat from Gap, in hopes that if I buy it, maybe it will get cold enough for her to use it.
I’ll stop coveting all of you in cooler (not too cold) parts of the world now, and get back to quilting. I’m determined to finish this phase today, and move onto the binding tomorrow.
I’m sorry I don’t have any pictures for you today, but they will come! Also, if you havent checked out the shop lately, you might want to drop in because I’ve added some great holiday items, as well as some year round goods! Visit here
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