Stitch Therapy

Over the past year I have come to love handstitching. Its a very big form of relaxation for me. I’ve come to love it so much, in fact, that I now feel no day is quite complete without a few hand stitches.

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Yesterday really proved my need for hand stitching. Layla, who is normally a breeze to put down for a nap decided yesterday it just was not going to happen. She screamed at the top of her lungs forever. I thought my head was going to explode and I didn’t know what to do having only experienced such horror from a one year old one other time. So I cleaned the junk out of my car. This didn’t take very long and I was itching to do something to keep myself calm and occupied. So I cut out some muslin squares and some batting and set out on some stitching. It turned out that was exactly what I needed because I was getting something accomplished and remaining calm instead of going crazy.

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I just piled up all the Perle 5’s I had and chose some  to stitch in a rainbow pattern of sorts. I really like the result, and to give my little potholder another burst of color, I chose to bind it up in a really hot shade of pink.

If you just happen to have one of those days, and if you are a mother it is bound to happen, I highly recommend stitch therapy, as I am now calling it. Keep some floss and a needle on hand, ladies!

Come back tomorrow for a drool session. I just got some of the best fabric line ever and I’m dying to show you!


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