Some Good Folks

When I discovered my love for quilting was right about the time that Anna Maria’s line Good Folks was out. At that point in my life I was very pregnant with Layla, eager to learn a new craft, and very ignorant. Aside from learning how to blindstitch, I am completely self-taught, meaning that I dreamed something up and I just dove in and did it, learning from my mistakes along the way. I like learning this way.

Unfortunately, I was in fabric ignorance as well. I had heard of and adored the fabrics of Amy Butler, and soon discovered Anna Maria whose fabrics were to die for. I thought their fabrics were expensive and that I wasn’t good enough to sew with them, so I just went to JoAnn’s and used coupons to get less-than-great fabric. I did quickly learn that it was more worth my while to just order the fabric I wanted. It did not cost an insane amount of money as my oblivious mind had assumed.

Now that I am a more seasoned quilter, I have learned a new lesson. When you see fabric that you know you can’t live without (and given you can afford it), buy it! Why? Because its better to buy it at the price when it comes out than it is to wait (for whatever ridiculous reason) and have to purchase it at an exhorbitant rate once the line has been retired. I should also mention, I learned this the hard way.

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I was fortunate enough to find this great fat quarter bundle through Etsy. I was so happy this much of the line was still in existence, I didn’t even care that I had to pay over double the original price of the line (just don’t tell my husband that last part!) And so now I have this glorious, swoon-worthy bundle that I just want to look at. And touch. And not cut into  for fear that I will ruin it.

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And now I am pleased. And I have learned my lesson. Learn from my mistake!

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Note: I only have 16 of the 24 prints, so if you see any of them available, especially the blue tones, please please please let me know! If you have any of them in your stash, I would love to buy them off of you at a reasonable price!


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Olivia Jane Handcrafted