So our computer got a trojan virus that fried every single part of our computer. Later that night, my phone got its own sort of virus. I kind of hate technology right now. So I’m hanging at my parent’s for a little bit and using Emilee‘s computer while she showers for a minimum of thirty minutes.
I have been keeping very very busy this week. I completed the Gathering Squares Quilt along with two of the three Soul Blossoms quilts. I wanted to debut the Soul Blossoms quilts all at the same time both on here and in the shop, but I think I’ll do it in phases. I ran out of batting, so the third one is just going to have to wait.
So while I didn’t have any batting to work with today, I did get a head start on two wristlets. I don’t have any pictures yet, but I promise when my computer situation gets figured out, I’ll have some for you along with some better posts in general.
Another note: I’m thinking about handquilting the Central Park quilt. I’m in love with the top, and I just don’t know if my machine quilting will do it justice. Any thoughts?
Well, I’m thoroughly exhausted so I’m going to head home and try to get Little Bit to bed.
xo, Meredith
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