Quilt as you go blocks… I just keep learning!

First of all, I’m sorry for leaving you hanging with yesterday’s Wednesday Wrap Up. I’m just postponing it a week. 

Second, I’m a creature of habit. Once I find my groove, how I like to do things, that is what works for me, and I rarely, if ever, look to change my method. That brings me to this next part. I’ve been working on my Bee Connected blocks, and just like last month, the piecing method was totally new to me. And I had to learn it, which I’m happy about. For August, Cathi from Australia wanted us to make log cabin style quilt-as-you-go blocks. I thought this method would be inefficient and lack a fun factor, but I’m happy to say, I was dead wrong. This method requires that you sew and quilt each piece of fabric onto batting one at a time, until you’ve reached your desired block size. It was so much fun! I love this method, and its just perfect for larger quilts that are nearly impossible to fit under your machine to quilt. Here’s a look at what I’ll be sending Cathi for this month:

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Doesn’t the back look cool?

Third, I love getting packages. The past couple of weeks I’ve gotten several, and they just make my day. I finally got my Housecat Shades from Anthro after having to contact both them and the postal service. Turns out the USPS lost my mail and had no intention of looking for it, until out of nowhere it just appeared in the mail almost two weeks late. And I way overpaid for shipping. UGH. Atleast I have them now. I also got a package from Whimsie Dots on Etsy. I ordered a couple of vintage fabric pieces that I thought were extremely unique. I love them, and can’t wait to see what the heck I do with them. (I have no current plans, I only knew I needed them.)

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I hope this post finds you enjoying your Thursday!


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