Saturday was
going to be my shopping day. We were in desperate need of some groceries, toiletries, diapers, and dog food. You know, the normal stuff. So after Layla finished her eggs for breakfast, I swiftly got us both dressed and ready. I put Layla in her carseat, moved the keys from the drivers seat and got ready to hop in and get going. Only I couldn’t do that. You see, as I leaned in and reached for those keys, my head was narrowly missed by none other than a slimy, disgusting, out-to-eat-me/ruin-my-day tree frog. Of course I wasn’t getting in after that. So I called up Emilee to remove the pest. She didn’t get there until quite a while later, and she wasn’t able to find the offending little monster. Obviously it was still in the car somewhere waiting for me, so I couldn’t just get back in and go only to have it jump on me while driving and swerve into someone else. It was a hazard to the general public at this point, so what else could I do but ask my dear little sister to play cabbie?I got all my shopping done and all was well since I didn’t have to get into the car.
Until Sunday, anyway. Oh yes, I still had to get to church somehow. Emilee offered to pick me up, but Justin thought it best for us to ride together in our car. In the car with the frog. After refusing to drive, I ended up sitting next to Layla with my knees tucked into my chest watching out for the lurking frog. I’m here to write this, so you know I made it to and from church alive. However, I must inform you, it is still in my car, so you may be getting another update in the near future- but lets hope it just found a way out.
Onto something a little more germain to the business, I did stay busy with some weekend work. A woman I know requested several Just What You Need wristlets for her great nieces, so I was occupied with that for much of Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. On the left is a shot of the insides with the tags before they were completed, and on the right is a picture of the finished bags!
And now continues my summary of the past few days:
Last night I was awakened when Layla stirred around 3:45 am. Much to my surprise the next thing I heard was the crashing sound of thunder. Oh it was glorious. I wish you could’ve heard it. The house lit up with blue and shook with thunder until around 7:30 this morning. I love when it storms like that during the night. Sleeping with rain somehow just makes your sleep more quality. I hope someone out there can relate to this! It was just spectacular. I hope we get many more nights like last night; the spring showers are officially here!
That brings us to today. Most of my day has been spent typing up the pattern to the Genevieve Quilt
. Its taken some time, for sure, but I’m happy with how it has come together. I’m still working on a few of the diagrams, but I hope to have it up in the shop
tomorrow. Another pattern will follow soon, which I know you will love.
Enjoy your Monday night! I’ve got to go cook some dinner for my man!
xo Meredith
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Okay, those wristlets are REALLY cute!!! =)
lol I know how you feel about you little one waking up. Bella still doesn’t sleep through the night. Teething seems to be the problem. BTW your wristlets are just smashing!