Monday Monday…

Today has already been a busy day. I’m working on putting together a fairly large custom order, but I’ve also been out shopping today.  I know I’ve mentioned before that my lovely and talented sister, Emilee, is a very well known pet photographer in the area. Once a month she attends the Pampered Pet Puppy Crawl. I’ll be going with her this Thursday and I’ll be bringing with me some dog collars. I experimented with collars a month or so back when made one for Emilee’s dog, Buddy. She loved it and so I figured I’d give it a go and see if other people agree. I picked up this fabric and webbing today to get started. I only have a few days to whip these up, so wish me luck!

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I’ll be sure to upload pictures of my progress!

Enjoy your Monday!

xo, Meredith

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted