I couldn’t hold off a moment more.

I tried and I tried. I resisted to the point I could not longer bear it. And then it happened.

I opened up my antique chest, and pulled out my AMH needlepoint bolster kit that Justin got me for my birthday. I swore I wouldn’t touch it until I completed my Spinning Stars quilt, but I just couldn’t help myself! I needed something different to work on, and I have been anxiously waiting to do this project since the moment AMH debuted the kits on her blog. So I did manage to wait for many months- two of which the kit has been in my possession.

I matched up the wools to the color chart on the side of the canvas and tied a small piece to each square so I could keep up with the right colors.

I can’t tell you how excited I am to do this! I mean, I’m already waiting for her next two kits to come out! Anyway, I’m certainly not abandoning my Spinning Stars quilt. I just needed a little different project to work on.

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As I progress on this adventure, I’ll be sure you show you some of what I’m accomplishing. I know I’ll love every second of it!

I’ll be back tomorrow with some great pictures of my kiddo that Emilee took while bribing her with a cookie. It got her to look at the camera. Whatever works, right?


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