I am not fizzling out already!

I finished the quilt I was working on a few days ago. I was really thinking alot of myself for accomplishing something so quickly into the new year and thinking, “wow, Meredith. You’re going to do so much this year if you keep up with this pace.” But only five days into 2012, I’m at a loss. I wanted to make Layla’s curtains today with the Little Folks fabric I ordered several weeks ago. The only problem is that I ordered several fabrics because I couldn’t decide which to use. And now that I have all those fabrics to choose from, the choosing has not gotten any easier. But I will cut into one of them today. I am determined to move forward and make progress. I will

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get a ton accomplished in 2012!

I hope to be back tomorrow with some progress (or finished) shots!



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Olivia Jane Handcrafted