Getting my groove back + Shop Special!

I very much dislike being out of the groove. This means when I have nothing to do, and therefore have to come up with small projecs to act as my busy work. Oh and those projects have to be done with the limited amount of supplies I currently have, and no other money can go into them. Does that sound fun to you?

Well its not as fun as doing what you really like to do, and that’s for sure. I happen to like quilting- the whole process- and when business is slow, I get to look at all the quilt tops I have hanging in my closet that I know I can’t finish until things pick up. Things have finally picked up for me and I’ve jumped right back into a regular day’s work.

Today I went to Quilts n More, my local quilt shop, and got backing and binding for the Cenral Park Quilt. Remember that? I’m now working on handquilting it, and hope to have it finished sometime next week depending on how long Layla’s naps are and how many days Justin has off (I can’t get anything accomplished business wise when he’s home, and I have no idea why).

I also bought a new blade for my rotary cutter. I was just a plain ole idiot for waiting as long as I did to replace it. I guess its because dulling a blade (when you cut fabric) is a very slow process. Since it is gradual, I find it hard to notice when cutting is becoming increasingly more difficult. When my arms started getting sore after cutting through one piece of fabric a few weeks ago, I realized I needed a new blade. I used that new blade today, and let me tell you,  I don’t even need muscles. This baby cuts through fabric more easily that a knife cuts through soft butter. Seriously. My life is already so much easier.

Anyway, here’s a look at what I’ve been doing today. I’ve gotten the backing assembled and I’ve basted the quilt with pins. The handquilting is already underway too!

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And don’t forget about the Labor Day speical in the shop! Just enter code LABORDAY15 at checkout to receive 15% off your order now through Monday!

Enjoy your weekend!


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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way.

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted