First of all, I still don’t have a computer.

Yes, I’m at my parents’ again using their computer. Abigail and Mom are out couponing, Papa is walking Layla while Emilee walks the dogs.

So here I am all alone in the office without a clue as to what this post is going to be about. I really miss my computer and the internet- my connection with the rest of mankind. I really miss blogging. I’d like to say once I get a new computer I’ll never skip  a day of blogging again. But I won’t say that, because I know its a lie. But it is a nice thought, right?

Like I’ve said in my past several posts, I have been keeping busy. I’m working on a top secret project at the moment all the while trying to decide how to use the remainder of my funds so that I get the most out of them. I still need to finish three quilts for the shop. Three quilts that I had hoped would be finished by Friday. Last Friday, that is. Nevermind. I figured out what I’m going to do. I guess writing out the problem really helps to solve it.

Also, I still have a whole stack of Anna Maria’s brand spanking new Loulouthi to cut into. I don’t want to rush this, however, because I want to make a really special quilt with these beautiful fabrics. They are much to stunning for just an ordinary quilt. That simply would not do them justice. I’m loving what Jennifer

over at Twin Fibers is doing with her stash of Loulouthi. She’s combining Camille Roskelley’s Swell Pattern (which I am so getting) with Anna Maria’s line. I cannot wait to see how this quilt turns out!

Anyway, my dad just said all the parts for my new comp should be here Wednesday, so I hope to be back to regular blogging by Thursday.

Thanks for stopping by. This post has been more therapy for me than enjoyment for you perhaps.

Go check out the newly listed items in the shop!

xo, Meredith


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