Family Reunion Dress: one down

Its been one slow week around the Daniel house. Its taken much longer for me to recover from my wisdom teeth removal than I would have ever expected. Until yesterday afternoon, I had spent nearly every moment in bed or on the couch. I’ve been extremely lightheaded, in pain, and looking like a chipmunk. I’m hoping I’ll be back to normal by the time I have to go for my follow-up appointment on Tuesday.

With all the time I’ve spent lounging and sleeping, it really took me a while to tackle my first Oliver + S dress. I had to take breaks to lay down and rest after every few steps. I’m happy to say, though, I’ve finished my first Family Reunion Dress.

I do love the way this dress has turned out. It was very simple and straightforward, as are all of Leisl Gibson’s patterns, though I could really use some practice on my ‘finishing’ techniques. Now that I’ve made one dress, I think I’ll change up some the of trim on my second one. I might add a coordinating solid for the neck piece, placket, and hem facing.

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I do love the shape of the dress and I’m thrilled that Layla got to wear it at church today. The AMH voile is delicious, and I’m already wanting to get some more voiles and make Layla a whole closet full of handmade dresses. It is far less costly than I would have predicted, but Leisl is a mother, and I think she has mothers in mind when planning out her patterns.

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I’m so sorry its been so quiet around here this past week. I’ll try to be on here much more this week, as I’m finally starting to feel a bit more human (and look like it too). Thanks for bearing with me!


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