Chugging along…

Today’s been a decent day other than Layla having a little cold. She never gets sick, so I’m not too experienced with even a runny nose. I think she’s doing okay now that I’ve put her to bed. I rocked her and she was asleep within 5 minutes. Whew. I hope she feels better tomorrow! Its rough seeing your little munchkin not feeling so good.

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I did manage to get the remainder of my cutting done today for my dresdens. I also chain pieced them and have ironed a little more than half of them. The first part of the cutting went extremely slow because my blade was not sharp at all. My mom called just in time and picked me up some more and dropped them by, making the remainder of the cutting a breeze.

I planned on getting more accomplished today, but it simply didn’t happen. My only deadlines are the ones I set for myself and I didn’t meet this one. I’m not going to stress over it, I’m just going to stop and watch a movie with Justin and pick it back up tomorrow!

Have a wonderful evening!


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