Category Archives: Needlepoint

A New Week

I’m so happy it’s Monday. To tell you the truth, I’ve had so many distractions this weekend. I’m trying to organize a Christmas Project Bash for you all, which I had to finalize plans for this weekend. I’m so excited about it, and the bloggers who will be partnering with me are wonderful! I’m so...

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Two panels down, three to go

This weekend I finished up my second of five panels on my AMH needlepoint. I like it much better with that pink background, especially since I went too heavy on the yellow. I was wonderful to sit down and do nothing but needlepoint. I didn’t have a half completed quilting project lurking in the back...

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What I’m doing with my freedom

Now that I’m finished with my Spinning Stars Quilt, I’m free to tackle so many other projects. Today I cut out the pieces for the Oliver + S Bubble Dress, and I have the top assembled. After I write this, I’m headed back to finish the rest of it. buy metformin online metformin online generic...

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A Thursday Update

This week, I’ve been packing every stitch I can do into everyday. I must finish my Spinning Stars Quilt this week. I must. I must. I must! I’ve stitched the interior of each octogon, and now I just have the border half-stars left to stitch before I sew on the binding. I think this is...

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As it turns out, once I picked up my needlepoint kit on Sunday evening, I couldn’t put it down. I recommend not starting one until you have time to commit because its very addictive and you won’t be able to stop. I finished one of the smaller portions yesterday, and I’ve now begun one of...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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