Category Archives: Embroidery

“I’m not superstitious…I’m a little stitious”

If you are a fan of The Office, my gift to Emilee needs no explanation. If you need a refresher, however, this idea came from Season Four’s episode, Fun Run. I’m so happy I can finally show you what took me about 50 hours to make for Emilee’s Christmas present! I embroidered the words and...

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For Your Inner Child

Here’s the latest batch of Stitched bags. They’ve been listed in my shop and they’re ready for gifting! I’m now taking a small break from making these and working on other parts of the shop. Here’s the HOHOHO Christmas Clutch for holiday fanatics and those who will readily admit to believing in Santa! This will...

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You won’t even believe what I’m working on.

I’m working on more bags for my Stitched line. Gasp. I know you are shocked. But I do have a twist for you. I’m actually working on some Christmas themed bags. I’m really excited about them. Over the next month or so, you’ll be seeing more and more stuff to help you on your hunt...

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New in the Shop: More Stitched Bags

I finally have some more Stitched Bags in the shop buy flomax online buy flomax online no prescription . And I promise more are in the works for Christmas! (Alot is in the works for Christmas, actually). First of all, here is my Stitched Bag in LouLouThi: This little bag is one of my favorites...

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An all around dreary day…

We woke up this morning without sunshine. Its almost one in the afternoon and there’s only heavy clouds in sight. Of course rain is okay. Layla went down for her nap without any issue. Its the tree frogs that come after the rain that I don’t like. Actually, I disdain them and wish they would...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted