Category Archives: Bee Connected

Swooning and just a bit of Whimsy

At the start of the day, I fully expected to have a good, productive day. By 10:30, I knew it was not to be so. I could not believe how long it took to put together packages for my Bee mates, and address them, and then fill out customs forms. That really wasn’t awful except...

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Bee Blocks for April: Asterisks

Here are my April Bee blocks. online pharmacy buy glucophage no prescription online pharmacy buy arava no prescription online pharmacy buy zovirax online no prescription pharmacy buy super-kamagra online no prescription pharmacy I finished them a few days ago, but my new card reader was apparently only good for two uses, so I’ve had...

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My time is now

A title with a dramatic flair…. Yet that is kind of how I feel now that my month in Bee Connected has finally rolled around after a year of waiting. I’ve spent many, many hours since last night cutting out fabric for everyone. The concensus of the group was that I should cut out the fabric...

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This day is bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S

Oh I’m so excited about today. I woke up with the determination that I was going to accomplish something today. In only a few hours, I had cut out and pieced together this quilt top with Amy Butler’s home decor Love line. I’ve had this fabric forever, just waiting for the perfect time to use...

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Some of this, some of that

I’ve begun quilting the Spinning Stars Quilt. Here’s few pictures of that. (The colors are way off, but for whatever reason I can’t fix it- maybe its the fact that I have a cheap Kodak) Also, I’m pairing up Echo prints for Swoon blocks. I’m going to be having my Bee mates make Swoon blocks...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted