Category Archives: Wristlets

I think I’m starting to become one of those women…

You know…a bag woman. I’m totally NOT into earrings (I do not understand decorating your ears; they are totally weird looking), I am not into bracelets, I’m not into necklaces. Rings, I like. Bags, well, I’m starting to like those more. And check out the one I found today. I saw it, went home, and...

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New in the Shop: Wristlets anyone?

I’ve added four new wristlets to the shop, and I’ll have four other bags up tomorrow. Here’s what I’ve got up now: You can find the Just What You Need Wristlet: Morning Glory here buy zithromax online zithromax online no prescription online pharmacy celexa for sale with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy...

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A day of rest

I’ve been on overdrive all week preparing collars and wristlets to sell when I go to events with Emilee. We’re trying to raise money for a good cause, but I can’t tell you what that good cause is at the moment. Sorry. buy seroquel online buy seroquel online no prescription online pharmacy buy abilify no...

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Too Much Cool…

First of all, Happy Memorial Day! I hope you have taken time to thank God for those who have and are serving in our military. Remember to thank those men and women! Second, don’t forget today is the last day to take advantage of free domestic shipping in the shop. Just use code MEMORIAL at...

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Busch Gardens and a Bag

Yesterday we went back to Busch Gardens in Tampa. We’re trying to go as many times as possible to get the per trip cost down to very little on our annual passes. This time Layla got to see the lions and hyenas, which we missed last time. Also a highlight from yesterday’s trip, we were...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted