Busch Gardens and the infamous HST

What a week it has been! I’ve been a busy bee just trying to be a mom. Munchkin is a wee bit clingy lately. And when I say a wee bit, I mean like today when I was trying to get some ordering out of the way and she stood by me and screamed for 2 hours. When I picked her up, she needed me to look at her. That was the first non-Layla related thing I’d done all day! Goodness, I don’t know what I’m going to do with her! But I love her to death. She’s my wittle baby!

Yesterday we went to Busch Gardens. It was the first time we’d been since having Layla, and let me tell you- she loved every second. The animal exhibits were just phenominal, plus, as my mom so astutely pointed out, there were less people there yesterday than there are in Wal-mart on a typical day during season. That was so nice! We didn’t have to stand in line for anything (well, except for me having to get a refill, but does that really count?) Anyway, we got annual passes, so I’m sure you will hear more about these adventures. Of course we had a fuss about making sure to bring the camera, which we managed to do. But when you have a photographer for a sister (and a good one, at that) you don’t really remember to take out your puny little Kodak to snap some shots. Needless to say, I have no pictures. Sorry!

Today I continued on in a project that I’m filling my time with. I’m in the process of piecing what I would consider my “signature quilt” in Amy Butler’s Daisy Chain. I made this quilt for Layla Grace last year out of Amy’s Love line and I’m just in love with the pattern.

As you can see, this is yet another pattern you can do using the half square triangle. The quilt I’m working on should be done sometime next week, when I’ll list it in the shop. I don’t have a preview for you tonight, but I’ll be sure to post one for you tomorrow!

On other things, I’m still working on the Emilee pattern. I hope to have it completed and listed in the shop

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, but I’m not guaranteeing it. At the latest, it will be up on Friday. Saturday I’ll have a few of my designs in the Pattern Showcase on Etsy, so keep a look out for those!

Sweet dreams!

xo Meredith

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