An Inspiration I Sometimes Forget…

One woman whom I’m finding I appreciate more and more all the time is Anna Maria Horner. She has six children, she

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designs fabric, has written a few books and several patterns, has a beautiful home and studio… She is just so graceful. I could go on and on, but I’ll just stick to showing you a few things and inserting my input.

I received this fabric a few days ago. I got it just to get a preview of the line, really. In the process of all that ironing and stitching I fell in love with Innocent Crush. The deep, passionate colors remind me of love. The light, playful colors in the line are whimsical and innocent. The more saturated reds and purples are very sultry and romantic. The blues add a little manliness to the mix, and bring in some atmosphere for the girly emotions.

Honestly, I’m not sure if this is how she

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meant the line to be portrayed, but with names like “LovesMe LovesMeNot,” Maybe,” “Mixed Signals,” “Turn of Events,” “Slow Dance,” and “Bubble Burst,” I can’t help but think she had love in mind. Check out the line here.

I guess you could say just spending some time with this fabric made me realize that its not only Layla and just being a mother that inspires me to create. Its my husband-my love-too. My first big quilting project was this:

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This full size quilt took me five months from start to finish. I kind of took quilting by storm; I decided and wanted to do it, and dove right in, not doing anything gradually- unless you count the fact that it took five long months to complete…. I had no idea if my husband would think of quilting as stupid, or just a hobby for old women. But he took everyone of my pregnancy hormone induced ideas with ease and encouraged me all along the way. He complements my work and even gives his opinions now and again on patterns and colors and such. What I love to do really matters to Justin, and I find that just our love for each other really inspires me to quilt and do other little projects around the house that add a little “me”.

So to draw this altogether-I know, I know, this is so scattered-I appreciate Innocent Crush for a different reason than I appreciate some other fabrics, like Amy Butler’s. I love that when I use this fabric I can think of my love for Justin and that he is the other inspiration in my life.

I’m so thankful for this little reminder, Anna Maria!


All that said, I’m happy to say the Innocent Crush Strip Quilt is now up in the shop and available for purchase. Go check it out here

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Have a wonderful weekend!


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