This week, I’ve been packing every stitch I can do into everyday. I must finish my Spinning Stars Quilt this week. I must. I must. I must! I’ve stitched the interior of each octogon, and now I just have the border half-stars left to stitch before I sew on the binding. I think this is all I’m going to show you of the quilt until the big reveal when its completely finished!
In other news, I got in some navy voile to back this quilt. When I finish the Spinning Stars Quilt
, I’ll take a break and do some machine sewing when I make the Oliver + S Bubble Dress for Layla, and then I’ll begin quilting the Love quilt. Its only a throw size, so I expect it to go fairly quickly, which will be nice.
I’ve also been working on my AMH needlepoint bolster, but I don’t have any pictures to show you at the moment. Its going very well, though, and I’d love to show you some pictures of my progress next week.
I hope this post finds you having a wonderful Thursday!
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