A Night Out

So last night, Justin took me out for our first date in…yeah, I’m not even gonna tell you how long its been since our last one. It was awesome. Just the two of us spending an evening outside the house…. Note: We should do this more often.

Aunt Emilee watched Layla, which was great because it forced Layla to bond with a family member other than her Papa (my dad). I think Emilee learned a few things… or maybe this experience just reinforced her thinking of having to wait a long

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time to have children. I’m not really sure.  I do know they shared pizza and soft frozen cherry limeade and they went over Layla’s expansive vocabulary … But then there was also the dirty diaper and trying for almost an hour to put Layla to bed. Yes, I probably should have woken Layla up earlier from her nap, but come on…Okay, that might have been mean to Emilee.

Well, I think she is the best just for giving us a night out.

I haven’t even told you what we did. Really there is not much to tell. We are pretty simple and easy to please. We just used our Chilis gift card, stuffed ourselves as much as we could, then we went to the mall and killed some time at the Hallmark store browsing the 2011 keepsake ornaments. Then we went to see The Zookeeper with Kevin James. Oh but before that I spotted a candy store that sold Jelly Bellys. Clearly I had to make a pitstop there prior to going into the movie. I thought for sure the candy there wouldn’t cost as much as it would in the theater. I was right. So we snacked on Jelly Bellys and watched a kids movie, then headed home in his enormous red truck, which was his favorite part because he loves that truck. Its something about country boys and big trucks… I don’t encourage him to drive it very often because of the awful gas mileage.

I really wanted a picture of the two of us, but I didn’t think about it until about 10pm, at which point it was much too late.

If you don’t have kids yet, nights like this probably happen all the time for you. Enjoy that, by the way! We went out a minimum of once a week before we had Layla. I think we’ve only been out three times since having her. So last night was long overdue.

Thanks for stopping by. I promise a more sewing related post next time.

xo, Mere

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