A little here. A little there.

Today I’m working on finishing the Orange Peel Pillow for curves class. I’ve decided I don’t want to do any of this week’s projects, so I’m taking my time finishing up the ones from last week.

I wanted my Orange Peel Pillow to coordinate with the Scallop Quilt

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, so I used my AMH LouLouThi fabric as my primary fabric and the solids from the Scallop Quilt as my trim pieces. I’m loving how its turning out, but I’ve decided to quilt it to add some texture to this already eye-catching design. Part of me wanted to rush through it and just show you the finished product, but I would always regret not putting all of me into it. So I have decided to take my time and quilt this baby as much as I can and as cleanly as possible. Posting the finished pillow will just have to wait a day or two.

What do you think of the quilting thus far? This is only the beginning!

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Thursday!


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Olivia Jane Handcrafted