I’ve made some more progress on my Spinning Stars Quilt
, and I only have 10 more blocks to go before I can assemble the top. Its certainly exciting to see it come together!
Over the weekend, I was able to get the remainder of the B pieces cut out from the fabric that Anna Maria sent. I’ll be assembling the rest of the blocks with these pieces, and I’m thrilled to see quilt with those pieces throughout.
As fun as it was to finish up those twenty blocks, my very favorite part of today was receiving an encouraging letter from a friend. I can’t tell you how much I love my friends. They are few, but the ones I have are so special to me. Its not been the greatest month ever, but getting that letter in the mail sure brightened things up. You know who you are…thank you!
Now I need to fulfill the rest of my duties for the day. Those clothes aren’t going to fold themselves!
And Your friends love you very much! You creations and posts are the highlight of my day!