The Washi Tunic : My Maternity Staple

Getting pregnant was such a surprise to me. We had so longed for a baby for such a great length of time, that though the idea sounded magical, it also seemed out of reach. We were certainly past the point of getting our hopes up each month. So as I said, when we were finally blessed with this little baby, I felt a little lost on the crafting front. If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you’ll know that I was on quite the garment sewing kick. I was making outfits for myself right and left, and had no intention of stopping or slowing down. But after realizing I would have a quickly growing midsection, I sort of took a pause from all the sewing for me. (All sewing, actually, but you get my point).

And then I came across the Washi dress from Made by Rae. I was no stranger to the pattern, as I’ve seen it all over blogland and beyond, but the pattern had appeal to me now that I was in need of a maternity wardrobe.

I’m so thrilled that I gave it a go. You see, I now have four completed Washi tunics, and five more are in the works. Its my pregnancy My Belle! Seriously. Its all I wear. If you haven’t yet tried the pattern, it is a great one! Rae even has an expansion pack available with several variations to the pattern. I’ll likely be getting mine before the week is out, as I’m dying to put a collar on a top or two!

This is the first one I made with some Chambray Union fabric from Robert Kaufman (a garment sewing must!)


Holy fat face, Batman! 


The next three are all Liberty prints that I had been hoarding for such a time as this.


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I am so in love with these tops! You can see that my accompanying maternity staples are skinny belts and my trusty Jackie cardigans.

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Finding suitable maternity clothes is not an easy feat. Its definitely the sort of wardrobe “shopping” that when you find a piece that works, you want it in every possible color. Thankfully, the fabric world is diverse enough that I think I can fool people into believing that I’m not actually wearing the same top everyday.


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I’m so excited about these tops, and I can’t wait to show you more as I make them. I’ll have to make some dresses too, as my wardrobe seems to be lacking those as well!


Thank you for stopping by. It feels good to be back and to be reporting on my sewing adventures. There’s certainly more to come!


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Olivia Jane Handcrafted