Tag Archives: Oliver + S

Hello Kitty and Linen

Dress week continues over here at Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I’m excited to show you another version of the Building Block Dress made with linen and a Japanese Hello Kitty Liberty print which I got from Jones & Vandermeer but can no longer find on the site. They have tons of other Liberty to choose from...

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Dreams are made of floral chambray

My very dear friend who owns Jones & Vandermeer sent me some of their exclusive Liberty chambray online pharmacy super-kamagra no prescription to play with. It is adorned with Betsy, one of my all time favorite Liberty prints, and it is the softest, drapiest chambray I’ve felt. I’ve actually been holding onto this fabric for...

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I declare dress week

Yep. I’m making it a thing. This week is dress week on the ole blog. I have a full cubby in my Expedit with fabrics laid aside for specific garments. I decided to take on the Layla dresses to start with, and my, has it given me the greatest fulfillment. It has made me realize...

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The ‘nana shirt 

Sometimes I come across a print and just have to have it. When I saw Rashida Coleman Hale’s Nanners lawn I knew straight away Wallace needed a Sketchbook shirt in the fabric. It’s just too good.  I’ve been saving up some fabrics to update his wardrobe with more Sketchbook Shirts, and this one needed to...

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When things don’t go as expected

I think we can all relate the life things not going as we hope, plan, or expect. I suppose looking at it optimistically, one would point out that the unexpected things are what make life interesting and help us to grow. I didn’t plan to ever spend eight weeks apart from my best friend and...

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Welcome to Olivia Jane Handcrafted! I'm Meredith and this is my creative journal. Here you'll find loads of inspiration for a handmade wardrobe, home decor, bags, and quilts. I even have plenty of projects and tutorials to get you started or help you along the way. 

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Olivia Jane Handcrafted